Gall Bladder Attack What Does A Gall Bladder Attack Feel Like?

What does a gall bladder attack feel like? - gall bladder attack

10 points for the personal stories PLEASE! NO cut and paste the site medical-I KNOW HOW TO GOOGLE. Thank you!

One of the following please.

Where's the harm?
Is it radiate to other parts of the body?
How does it feel? (Burning, pressure, stabbing, throbbing)
How long?
When did this happen? (Time of day, after certain events)
What foods cause them?
Does nothing to alleviate it?


barbiann... said...

The pain is usually directly under the lower ribs.
It may radiate to the shoulder and the left side.
In general, we are of deep pain for me.
It can be hours or days.
usually after eating fatty or spicy really. But stress seems to do for me.
It is a medium they call a GI cocktail. Mylanta but seems to help.

I had a crisis of the gallbladder for 20 years and can not get a doctor to remove it.
Most of the time I get a terrible metallic taste in the mouth, shortly before the onset of pain.

★.haŋŋa™ said...

I am 13 years old and had a gallbladder attack.

I've heard that it may take some time, but I took up to 4 clock. It is hard to expain, but waves of pain as they move through their stomagh. It is very tender, could not walk anymore. I also had the same thing for my shoulder, but he felt it was more like a nerve, idunno. Very, very painful. I thought I would die, and I am sure that if I went from almost nothing.

And I'm sure I was raised my "day for fun:" I had a previous offering - I have a big thing of coffee and two mini-pots of Hagen Daz chocolate.

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